Maybe you noticed this already, maybe that’s why you are looking for help. There is a certain love of administration in France, it’s like an artform almost. Things generally come down to finding the right person and how to approach the issue. Specific regulation or ways to do things in a particular sector can be hard to get information on, let alone to arrange, especially from abroad or if not a French speaker. Cultural differences can surprise and frustrate. We intervene on behalf of foreign businesses to get things done as you need them. This page contains a few of our specialized areas of expertise, but we are open to discuss any project with you. Although our foundations are within the travel, leisure and tourism business, our skills and contacts can be applicable to most sectors.
We can provide expertise for short or long term needs. We can provide administrative staff, buyers, HR specialists, accountants, payroll, PR, digital marketing, content writers, translators and management. If we do not have the right person or team in house then we will be able to still manage the project for you, coordinating with others, allowing you to communicate in English and with one main contact.
Our consultants can give general advice on the best ways to approach an issue. We work with specialist lawyers for various niche activities within tourism. These relationships can ensure that time is saved and allow you to be confident in the advice, contract models or proceedings that are carried out on your behalf. The most common requests we receive relate to employment matters or company setup enquiries. Sometimes clients need various aspects covered at the same time and we can coordinate between all parties, translate and simplify procedures for you.
Another option if you are intending to set up in France is to outsource the setting-up to us. We can help recruit the local talent you need, secure office space, get you registered where needed and help you become independent in France. Relocation services for existing staff can also be provided.
There are many reasons why having local advice or ongoing consultancy can be worthwhile in this niche sector. The French authorities are now more frequently controlling how river cruise companies have set up their operations in France. When they decide to inspect, there is no warning. Whole teams of officials can come on board at any time, in front of passengers, and demand to see documents and interview staff. The most common reasons for inspections relates to employment matters, but can also be for fiscal controls. Checkups can occur at any time. However, river cruise companies who are not locally registered for payroll and do not have the necessary operating certifications are historically prioritized.
Given the size of the fines, the risk to company owners and the reputational impact, it’s worth being confident that all is compliant. If you already have had advice in the past or if some services are outsourced then it can still be worth double checking. Sometimes hospitality and nautical crew management is completely separate with silo leadership and their own internal procedures. Finance and fiscal questions are dealt also by entirely different people within the business. Dealing with compliance only for one silo is a mistake as one half of the company could be doing everything to be compliant whilst the other is completely negligent. Be sure that you can show at anytime that you have done your best to follow and adapt to French regulations.
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